Category: Consciousness

The 5 senses - hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste 0

What Are Humanity Spiritual Possibilities

Using And Improving my Spiritual Possibilities Humanity is constantly in a paradigm shift process. In practice, this means new opportunities continually expand and rise resulting in more consciousness points, which means more awareness. For...

Disappearing Object Phenomenon 466

Disappearing Objects Phenomenon Explanation

The disappearing objects phenomenon (DOP) is a somewhat known type of event that has been having a significant number of reported cases. I had no previous knowledge of these type of events, nor regarding...

Definition of spiritual 4

What is the Spiritual, a 21st Century Definition

“Spiritual is every reality that a life being can perceive through the 6th sense.” Tob Williams The 6th sense is a method of perception which include: instinct, intuition, extrasensory perception (ESP), equilibrioception (sense of...

Spiritual Entities Surrounding You 0

Using And Improving Spiritual Powers

If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re finding yourself new spiritual power possibilities, or are already using them and want to improve at it. A spiritual realm is a powerful tool for anyone...