Category: Numerology

Numerology meaning of the number 6 0

Life Path 6 – Balance, Responsibility, Love

A 6 life path person must learn the profound pleasure of handling responsibility. You’re born with the innate ability to give help and comfort whenever needed, to support those too weak to support themselves....

Numerology meaning of the number 5 0

Life Path 5 – Constructive Freedom

A 5 life path person must learn the exhilaration of the constructive use of freedom. There can be much variety, change, unusual happenings, unforeseen adventure. The 5 will feel that he’s capable at almost...

Numerology meaning of the number 4 0

Life Path 4 – Limitation, Order, System, Service

You’re a person with Life Path 4 which means you must learn to take advantage of structure, order or system to accomplish objectives. You’ll feel at home developing practical, down-to-earth work and once you...

Numerology meaning of the number 9 1

Meaning of the number 999

Renewal, Level Changer, Point for Both Ending and Beginning, Crossing Stage The number 999 resonates with the energy of completion, changing times(in the sense of perfect closure) and usually marks the exact point where...

Numerology meaning of the number 8 2

Meaning of the number 888

Universal Abundance, Infinite Energy, Magnifying Energy The number 888 resonates with universal abundance energy, a natural flow of wealth or love. It’s also related to the sense of being a magnifier of energy for...