Numerology: The Challenge
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The Challenge and Growth Number is an obstacle encountered in the early years of life, at least, due to the emphasis placed on the negative extreme of the potential.
0 (Zero)
In the early years, you are likely to have difficulty acting on your preferences. You are perfectly capable of analyzing a situation, realistically comparing possible solutions. Having sorted out alternatives, you have difficulty taking the requisite action. Your likely to have all sorts of excuses or rationalizations but you effectively hinder your development.
You must simply learn to have faith in yourself, having indicated a preference, you must act. With a little practice, you’re likely to find that taking action on your preference will prove as beneficial as you had hoped. Eventually, given enough practice, you can analyze, make a choice, then act with ease and comfort.
The Growth Number describes the energy which will illuminate the essence of the experiences and help expand a
person’s development.
Not applicable
In the early years, you are likely to feel dominated by others with strong influence, probably parents or others on whom he is dependent. You’re apt to feel that your desires are not being met, that your needs are being opposed. To feel less restricted, you may try to please everyone, but you’ll find little satisfaction in that endeavor. You’ll probably end up displeased yourself, as well as confused and resentful.
You must learn to take stock of a situation (taking others’ needs into account as well as your own), then, using the courage of your convictions, move forward in the direction of your choice. You must be careful not to end up dominating others, but you must remain watchful not to be dominated yourself.
You must act independently but must not confuse independence with dominance. You have to remember that others’ needs must be taken into account. You shouldn’t give in to restrictive or limiting forces tending to keep you dependent, particularly in the younger years.
You should express your original ideas in appropriate circumstances. Shyness, fear of rejection or intimidation, especially in youth and young adulthood may make the expression of these ideas difficult. Vital opportunities may be lost because of your reticence.
You should fill a leadership role when it is offered, although your leadership style may not be in the expected or commonly accepted mode.
In the early years, you’re likely to be extremely sensitive—yourŕe likely to be fearful, timid, lacking self-confidence, brimming with feeling. It may be difficult for you to work with others because you’re so afraid of being hurt by an unkind word or action or, worse yet, by being ignored. You’re apt to be constantly worried about others’ opinions of you.
you’re using your sensitivity with negative emphasis. Your positive sensitivity can be an important strength, allowing you to be acutely aware of so much of which others have a little inkling, to make significant connections between awarenesses that others can barely fathom. You must learn that your extreme powers of discrimination do not make you weak and inferior, but rather strong and superior.
You must promote harmony, even if the effort tends to make your contribution less visible. You shouldn’t be so shy or self-effacing that your efforts go unnoticed. There’s a very fine balance here that, particularly in the younger years, may be difficult to achieve.
You should practice cooperation and adaptability. You should try to take care of others’ needs at the same time you are meeting your own. You should try to be as sensitive as possible to the subtle, even unspoken, nuances of those around you.
You should express friendship and affection openly and directly. Fear of rejection may, especially at first, make tyour expression difficult, but the acknowledgment of your feelings by others may prove to be a vital link in your personal development.
In the early years, you are likely to be hiding your creativity as well as your social abilities. You’re apt to feel shy, have difficulty expressing yourself well, be fearful of criticism. You’re likely to find it easier to hide in the background at social affairs. You may feel uncomfortable making conversation or being yourself. You probably do little to develop your potential gift with words.
You’re expressing yourself with negative emphasis. The positive expression you can develop can be an important strength. You must develop your capability to get on well with others, to be a good conversationalist, to express your optimism and enthusiasm, to grace any social affair. Your creative abilities, possibly with words; writing, singing, acting, can be developed to bring pleasure to others as well as personal satisfaction.
You must approach your experiences with optimism and enthusiasm. Your input may vitalize an endeavor with productive excitement.
You should express your creativity. Fear of rejection may make your expression difficult, particularly when you’re expressing in unique or daring ways. You are to learn to offer your creative input and then let others learn to deal with it. You should express your delight in people and social activities openly and warmly.
In the early years, you are likely to have difficulty accomplishing your work effectively. You may dislike work, avoid it if possible, or approach it in a careless fashion, with little concentration or sense of practicality. Or you may approach work in a rigid manner, working hard but with little awareness of the implications of the job at hand, possibly unable or unwilling to see the forest for the trees.
You’re expressing yourself with. negative emphasis. Your positive potential, your ability to work and produce can be an important strength. You must develop your capacity to work hard and well, to accomplish your tasks with patience, understanding, practicality, to be aware of the details involved and to work within the parameters of a given schedule.
You must work within the limitations you find, in a positive manner. You must not succumb to frustration. You are to be careful not to be trapped because of a plodding manner or a narrow path. Learning to accept limitations is far different than falling victim to limitations, but the difference may be difficult to see at times. You must learn when the limitations can be changed rather than accepted.
You should try to be systematic and orderly, to organize with a strong awareness of the practical. You should be of service to others, though much hard work and patience may be required. You should concentrate on the satisfaction of the service rather than the difficulty of the work.
In the early years, you are is likely to have difficulty taking full advantage of your opportunities. You’re apt to be restless, impatient, impulsive, even erratic. You’re likely to tire quickly of one opportunity, move on to the next as soon as it appears. In matters involving physical pleasures such as eating, sex, drink or drugs, he may limit your potential with a poor sense of proportion or timing. Your need for security is likely to be poorly fulfilled by continuing to cling to some situations long after the promise has been developed.
You’re using your freedom, your opportunities to expand, with negative emphasis. You must learn to pick and choose among these opportunities, develop the best of these in a responsible manner, move on only after you have accomplished what you set out to do. You must learn to curb your restlessness in the interest of achieving the lasting satisfaction you need.
You must expand your opportunities with your versatility and adaptability without running yourself ragged and accomplishing little. You shouldn’t jump erratically from exciting experience to exciting experience, you should use these opportunities for excitement along with learning. You should. use your time and energy wisely, you shouldn’t start unless you intend to proceed, shouldn’t stick to something after the experience is completed, shouldn’t jump to the new only because it’s new.
You should explore physical pleasures, eating, sex, drinking, drugs, as part of a balanced life, not as ends in themselves.
In the early years, you are likely to have difficulty because of your insistence on your high standards. You’re apt to appear authoritarian, intolerant, self-righteous. You’re probably unhappy because he feels that no one measures up to your superior principles or shows any appreciation of your struggles to uplift others.
You’re using your potential for balancing affairs with negative emphasis. You must, instead, develop your potentially superior skill at harmonizing situations. You must learn that your diplomatic approach will only be appreciated if others feel that their needs are met, their desires understood, their points of view respected. You must learn to allow others to set their own pace, make their own rules. You must learn to express your unconditional love and acceptance.
You must help where help is needed. You should learn to accept the responsibilities you find and carry through with understanding and poise. You should learn to adjust and balance the forces you find.
You should contribute your efforts to make your home a beautiful, protected, stable and helping environment.
You must learn to give out friendship, affection, and love and gracefully accept others’ friendship, affection, and love in return.
In the early years, you are is likely to have difficulty because of your discomfort with the situations he finds, situations aggravated by your reserved attitude and unexpressed feelings. You’re likely to feel hopeless about bettering your situation, unable to act to relieve or change matters. You’re probably a complainer, often extremely critical, with little or nothing to offer in the way of help.
You’re using your potential for discrimination with negative emphasis. You must study to find the nature of wisdom. You must learn to share your knowledge and sense of discrimination with open feelings, to have faith in your abilities (rather than being afraid to use them), to respond helpfully when difficulties arise. You must learn to approach others without reserve or aloofness.
You should retire into your very depths to find faith and peace. Peace will come from within, it will have little to do with money or material matters.
You must learn to trust your intuition to lead in directions of growth. You must wait, when necessary, with patience. You should learn the pleasure of spending time alone, studying, meditating, searching for wisdom and hidden truths.
In the early years, you are likely to assume that satisfaction can only be gained and safeguarded by adequate material accumulation. There’s likely to be considerable effort exerted to attain money, status, and power, sometimes to the exclusion of almost all else.
You’re using your concern with material matters with negative emphasis. You must learn to use your ability to gain money, status, and power with a sense of proportion and an awareness of the relation of material affairs to other matters. You must learn to deal with the material world in a comfortable manner.
You should aim for success with a balance in the material world. You should treat the achievement of money, status, and power as a means to the end of achieving understanding and pleasure. You should recognize that money, status, and power are only one means of achieving your end, but they are significant means and should not be ignored.
You must learn how to accumulate money, how to handle money, how to spend money. You should learn to avoid the pressure of needing more money than is comfortably available.
Not applicable
You must learn to give of yourself for the pleasure of giving. You may give money, time, friendship, affection, love, understanding, or sympathy. You should give with little expectation of return or reward and should allow the needs of others to take precedence over your personal ambitions. Your seemingly difficult direction can produce the deepest of satisfaction.
Not applicable
You must learn to develop your intuition to pick up added awareness of the spiritual (non-material) world. You should visualize yourself as a channel of special awareness.
You should spread your understandings with humility and inspire others by your example, based on the purity of your learning of the deepest spiritual truths. You should learn to communicate about these spiritual matters in a world primarily interested in material affairs and should proceed despite the seeming discouragements.
Not applicable
You must learn to focus your high-level insights to develop significant material projects. The power to achieve important goals may grow from your practical yet idealistic philosophy along with your sincere desire to benefit others.
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Spiritual Paradigm has been providing excellent spiritual content since 2010. We’re also specialists in numerology.
the numbers are important, because in addition to the algebraic value they also have the vibratory one, in the Pythagorean school, the number 8 was everywhere and represents abundance.