Category: Numerology

Numerology meaning 1 0

Meaning of The Number 1

1- Individuation, Independence, Attainment, Aggression. Self, Leadership, Yang, Masculinity. The number 1 resonates with the cause (as opposed to the effect), transmission, attainment, and individuality. Positive Traits On the positive side, the energy attributes...

3 is a Perfect Number 0

How Powerful And Accurate Can Numerology Really Be?

“Numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth.” St. Augustine of Hippo (A.D. 354–430) The study of numerology and the meanings of numbers have long been...

Consciousness and Numerology 1

Consciousness and Numerology

Consciousness and Numerology (Synopsis) Consciousness is evolving rapidly and widely as humanity’s perceptions about Quantum science phenomena are becoming mainstream. Since more people are getting familiarized with quantum and spiritual aspects, more people will...

3 is a Perfect Number 4

Why is 3 a Perfect Number

In numerology, the number 3 is considered a perfect number. Maybe you’ve heard about the Holy Trinity (3). The symbolic meanings associated with the triangle (3 sides), or that the tripod is the most...

2012 Validation Date 0

Egyptian Freedom Numerology

In what numerology concerns, there are unknown dates and numbers regarding some events related to the Egyptian revolution process. Before we get into the numbers, I guess we can’t deny the importance of the...