Author: Tob Williams

3 is a Perfect Number 0

How Powerful And Accurate Can Numerology Really Be?

“Numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth.” St. Augustine of Hippo (A.D. 354–430) The study of numerology and the meanings of numbers have long been...

Sagittarius marking the galaxy center. 6

How To Meditate Facing the Milky-Way Galaxy Center

Connecting with our galaxy center for a better-focused meditation can be interesting. Meditation can work as an important tool for ruling out unwanted information, raise your awareness and understanding the information we want to...

The 5 senses - hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste 0

What Are Humanity Spiritual Possibilities

Using And Improving my Spiritual Possibilities Humanity is constantly in a paradigm shift process. In practice, this means new opportunities continually expand and rise resulting in more consciousness points, which means more awareness. For...

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Disappearing Objects Phenomenon Explanation

The disappearing objects phenomenon (DOP) is a somewhat known type of event that has been having a significant number of reported cases. I had no previous knowledge of these type of events, nor regarding...