Author: Tob Williams

The 3 evolutionary stages of the brain - Reptilian, Limbic and Neocortex 9

What is the SupraConsciousness

We shouldn’t mix concepts when talking about the old school Freud’s concept of conscious and subconscious mind. Finding the root of the word subconscious, “sub” is a prefix derived from Latin meaning: “under”, “below”,...

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What is the Spiritual, a 21st Century Definition

“Spiritual is every reality that a life being can perceive through the 6th sense.” Tob Williams The 6th sense is a method of perception which include: instinct, intuition, extrasensory perception (ESP), equilibrioception (sense of...

Pillow Position for a Comfortable Lotus Position 1

How to Meditate – The Easy Way

Meditating is in its essence effortless, it’s a joy, and soon enough you might find it’s something you’ll be looking forward and will want to do, whenever you find the time. Nevertheless, and if...

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Using And Improving Spiritual Powers

If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re finding yourself new spiritual power possibilities, or are already using them and want to improve at it. A spiritual realm is a powerful tool for anyone...