Conclusions Gathered From DOP Testimonials
The DOP (Disappearing Objects Phenomena) appears to be gathering momentum, according to the increasing numbers of people reporting it.
It’s now been three years since my knife DOP post was published and more than 50 people have been sending in their event descriptions, explanations, and conclusions, so to help us all shed some light on the DOP phenomena.
I’m still on the look for more concrete reasons for this phenomena. People sending in their experiences have been valuable to our collective task of finding the answers. I want to thank everyone that has already sent, or will send, their experiences, explanations, and conclusions.
So now, I was trying to dig a little deeper on this phenomena by working with the data already gathered (I’m sure there’s more coming in). I know this won’t be an easy task, but I’ll give it a try. Also, I’m sure that with your help we’ll all get, at least, a bit wiser with this “think tank” of ours.
I thought of organizing the reports and opinions collected (bellow) so to get to some conclusion.
Some of the reports, only 2 actually, are repeated in 2 different categories because it made sense at the time. As more information comes in, categories may change according to logic.
Some reports were only partially quoted in this article, to keep the information concise and improve readability. If you want to read the reports people have sent in full, read the comment section of the DOP article
To try and make sense out of the data, the following ten categories got used.
People reporting:
- Only One Missing Object or The Same Missing Object Disappearing More than Once – 3 Cases
- Missing Object that Reappeared in The Same Place Where it Was Lost, Even After a Search Was Conducted There Already – 15 Cases
- Objects Changing Places – 4 Cases
- DOP Having to do With Close Ones Needing Help Or Something About to Happen to Them – 1 Case
- Objects Disappearing Forever (at least till now to our knowledge) – 5 cases
- Objects Disappearing (as if) Trough a Hole – 2 cases
- People Reporting Objects Disappearing From Houses Where People Previously Died in – 1 case
- Objects Disappearing that Reappear at a Later Time – 4 cases
- A Lot of Missing Object Events Happening at Once- 3 Cases
- People Suggesting Explanations for DOP – 3 cases
The Winner Category And What it Could Mean
The big winner here was “People Reporting a Missing Object that Reappeared in The Same Place Where it Was Lost, Even After a Search Was Conducted There Already”. Big category name, I know. This category had 15 Cases in total, and this could mean something (or not) when making sense out of the DOP.
First, it’s interesting to find so many people reporting an object that wasn’t in the place they had previously searched, while seeing it right there at a later time.
Second, I believe it’s not surprising this report to be the winner since it’s a stronger reason to originate a report from people. Reporting an object that simply disappeared could make a person believe it got misplaced somehow, but not seeing it there, and then “magically” reappearing is more mind boggling to originate reports from people. It’s my understanding, but I could be wrong, but it doesn’t make this data fact any less statistically interesting.
Reports From People Experiencing DOP
The following quotes are reports people sent in divided by the above-mentioned categories. At the end of this article, I’ll share with you some of my observations and conclusions on some DOP reports and on DOP itself too. So here we go.
People Reporting Only One Missing Object or The Same Missing Object Disappearing More than Once – 2 Cases
Junn Dobit Paras September 9, 2013
When I finished printing, I noticed that all the bondpapers in the cartridge are gone. I was thinking that it was just me who printed many stuff and didn’t notice that I ran out of bondpapers, but that was not the case. I conducted another trial. I placed a lot of bondpapers again in the cartridge around 10-20. I just printed only one page, and after the printing was done, all the other bondpapers mysteriously disappeared. I checked both the insides of the printer and the ground, but I didn’t even find a single bondpaper. <...> I forgot to mention that there was no one in the area except me.
Sara April 10, 2015
My friends and I have been experiencing this all week!!!! My purse has gone missing from my lap with all of my spiritual energies in it 🙁 my soul mates precious gem and crystal collection disappeared as well as a liquor bottle we had purchased that day too! Sadly the only thing that has returned is our bottle??? Same goes for smaller things like my friends lucky coin, or my amethyst. Missing while we need it and returned to our pockets out of no where?!?!? Are we all three insane together or something? I feel as though when the four of us are together our energies and vibes cause us to flash in and out of another dimension or something. Upon the return of our bottle my friends older brother had pulled into the driveway, bringing us back to our own plane again. Thoughts anyone????
DK March 19, 2015
I live alone, so I can’t blame roommates or kids or animals. I have a red vacuum cleaner, I’ve had it for 4-5 years. I vacuum maybe once a month and today I wanted to vacuum. Normally I have it in my living room in the corner, if it’s not there, I’ve moved it to the second bedroom. So I went to the bedroom… not there.
<...> I’ve heard of mentally blocking things out of your vision or temp. blindness. I’ve done it in the past, where I moved something and just couldn’t see it at first. I went through my entire place… I mean… it’s a vacuum cleaner, not many hiding places! I checked closets and my garage. Not there.
Losing rings, keys, small objects I get but… a red vacuum cleaner? If someone got into my place, I have laptops, HD tv, all kinds of stuff worth stealing… it wasn’t a robber.
I have a headache thinking about what happened to it, I tore up my place looking for it. I’m having my friends come over to look tomorrow, so if I have “selective” viewing, they won’t and will see it if it’s still here. I know it’s not here….
Also to add… I do not have an emotional attachment to this vacuum cleaner, as missing rings or photos would have such attachments. So weird!
People Reporting a Missing Object that Reappeared in The Same Place Where it Was Lost, Even After a Search Was Conducted There Already – 15 Cases
Larry January 22, 2013
I have a yellow plastic Swatch watch. At bedtime I put it on my nightstand. Two weeks ago I got out of bed and reached for my watch. It wasn’t there. I spent the next 20 minutes looking for it. It was not on the carpet. It had not fallen and bounced under the bed because I looked with a flashlight. I finally gave up looking for it. It is a $75 watch, so losing it isn’t the end of the world. Well, last Friday as I got out of bed I glanced at the carpet beneath the nightstand, and right there, neatly laid out on the carpet, as pretty as you please—was my watch.
Lily Bernard September 12, 2013
Many things have disappeared in my home. Some reappear in places I’ve looked several times. Here’s a shining example of what I mean:
I was riding in the passenger seat of my car, and my husband was driving. I was addressing and putting stamps on two letters and we were driving to the post office to mail them out.
I finished addressing and stamping them and left them in my lap while I spoke to my husband on the way to the post office which was another five minutes down the road.
When we arrived, the letters had disappeared. We looked all over the car—every inch of the car because we just couldn’t believe it.
They were gone, and since there was no longer a reason for our trip to the post office, we went home.
We illogically checked the car again when we got home because we couldn’t believe it. You should know that at the time of their disappearance the car windows were closed.
Because some similar incidences had occurred before but nothing as striking, I told my husband I was going to check all over the van, too. I don’t know why I decided to do this as it didn’t make any sense. However, I checked all over the van (our other car) and called my husband at work and told him I checked all over the van and found nothing.
I went out in the van to the card store to repurchase the two cards (letters) that had gone missing. I came back and placed the bag of cards on the passenger side floor. Then I went to the grocery store to buy groceries. When I got back in the van, the two cards that had gone missing earlier had reappeared on the cup holders, sitting there in plain view. I checked the bag from the card store and the new cards were still there in the bag. Now, I had the missing cards and the new cards.
Tomila June 2, 2014
One time I was doing something and used wrapping paper to wrap things. As it was late I had to go to bed planning to continue “wrapping” next morning. I remember I put wrapping paper on the small table near my bed just before going to sleep. But in the morning the surprise was waiting – there was no wrapping paper on the table. I was living alone and nobody could take it. I was devastated. I researched everywhere possible, spend 2 hours to find it knowing it was that “invisible hand” which I had already experienced in the past. I went to the shop and bought the new one. Next morning the old wrapping paper was sitting at the table. I couldn’t believe my eyes. And the last thing happened today: Yesterday prepared all the documents and cards for the government to apply for something. I always keep documents in files, all sorted out. In the morning I couldn’t believe my eyes my Medicare card was missing from the file. 100% it is not possible. Even don’t bother to look for this card now.
Joann June 3, 2014
My adult son lives with me. For the last few months things have disappeared and reappeared. We have gone on archaeological expeditions and then find the object in an area already searched. Today it was bananas in a bag. We searched everywhere and minutes later they reappeared in the same place we searched. It is the same with lots of other stuff, remotes, keys, phones, and even important papers. It always shows up later in a diligently searched place.
Gwen Halar November 16, 2014
Couldn’t find the pill box, so I searched the drawer where it would normally be, if not sitting on the counter. I scanned the counter a few times, as I thought to myself – maybe I am just not seeing it. I even itemized the other items sitting on the counter. Checked the drawer at least three times. Checked the other drawer – thinking – maybe it went into that one by mistake. Even checked my make-up bag, again, thinking I may have misplaced it. Finally, I did one more check around to make sure I wasn’t missing it and then decided I would open up the prescription bottles that have the rest of the pills. I put them both on the counter as I had trouble opening one of them and thought I would come back to it after I turned the bed down. I walked back into the bathroom and there was the pill box, sitting on the counter, beside my prescription pills. That was sooooo weird.
Samuel Putian February 9, 2015
Last week, I wake up and noticed that 3 white poker chips were missing in my poker set. Now, I can faintly remember (80% sure) that I took 3 white poker chips and give it to my 1 year old to play with. I asked everyone if they found 3 chips and nobody have seen it. After some effort of searching furiously I gave up, so I thought, it must have been misplaced in a corner. Two days after, I saw the 3 white poker chips in my poker case. So I asked, who found it and where did they found it. And nobody knew, nobody claim of finding it. I have no idea who found it and put it there. I write this experience here so that it will be known and recorded.
R April 5, 2015
So, I put this money in my pocket. After a few minutes, I was going to pay for some items with this money. Reached into my left pocket(the one that I put it in) and felt around but noticed that I couldn’t feel any money. I pulled everything out of my pocket(keys, transportation card, change, etc) and took it all out. Everything was there except for the paper money that I had. I thought, “ah…must have lost it.” I searched this pocket at least 5-6 times..going through it and looking at the other stuff to make sure it had not gotten stuck inside. Nothing. I then turned the pocket inside out. Nothing. Completely empty. I was a bit annoyed by the whole thing and remember telling my girlfriend, “well..guess somebody will find some $5 today and it will be their lucky day!” We walked home, went into the apartment. I wasn’t even thinking at the time, just reached into my pocket and, despite there being all the other things in my pocket, I pulled out the $5!!! I mean, it also just seemed to appear in my hand..I can’t really explain it. It was like it just was in my hand without any effort at all. Almost like it just appeared there out of thin air! The thing is that I didn’t even remember sticking my hand into my pocket. It just seemed to “be” there. I remember just being freaked out at first. Total surprise. Very strange event.
B.M April 6, 2015
It’s a relief to know I’m not alone on this, I’ve been experiencing this on a daily basis, for the past years, I’ve actually tried talking out loud asking for the items to be returned, after a few days go by I’ll find my things in plain sight view.
Sheila April 16, 2015
<...>I checked and the phone was simply gone. I had not gone back on either side of my floor. I did not need to return for anything. my work was done. <...> I called my phone from others and retraced my steps and nothing. it was just gone. security guards think I forgot or misplaced it or blanked out. I would accept all those theories had I gone back to where I started working but the phone remained in my pocket while I worked until 8:15pm. I was told Mayne it slipped in.the trash can when intent down to pick up the cans. if it never happened before why would it happen now. I did not go back where I started nor drop it or black out since I am too young to suffer from Alzheimer’s and do not suffer from seizures or have brain tumors to cause any mental maladies. I also am not one to suffer from delusions or schizophrenIa so I am at a lost….by the way this was on Friday…the phone reappeared in someone’s office right next to his computer key board…an office I checked thoroughly three times in which I know I only entered to pick up trash only and never returned once I was done and never took my phone out in there either. I can’t speak of this to anyone with out looking as if I’m insane.<...>
Kenton Ridenour May 1, 2015
I thought I had misplaced my sunglasses the other day. Looked in all the obvious places, retraced my steps, looked on my garage work bench 3 or 4 times. Actually stood there and stared at it. The bench is not cluttered, not there. I was getting in my Van today glanced over the bench and there they were dead center of the work bench!<...>
Desmond May 1, 2015
<...>On my home work desk i keep a small popcorn container with all my pens & pencils. I never take it from it normal place.. One evening i went to my desk to find it was gone? Where’s my penpencil container gone to? I looked around the room & there was no sign of it? I scoured around but it was gone… No one else would come into my workroom.. Something made me leave the room to try a search around the rest of my house but no luck…. When i went back to my workroom there was the popcorn container back in it usual place with everything intact? It scared the hell outta me! Hairbrush, combs, and nail scissors have all gone missing & mysteriously return?
Ayla May 8, 2015
<...>once i was holding onto a bag of granola for my cereal and i opened the dishwasher to grab a clean bowl. when i went to put my granola in the bowl the granola was gone. after searching everywhere i opened the dishwasher again and the granola was sitting there where i had left it when getting the bowl.<...>i guess first i should say, im in the middle of this big project where im trying to get rid of a bunch of my stuff and ive been contemplating what is really needed and what is not. i have a lot of physical belongings and i think it would be liberating to just have less stuff because most of it is unnecessary anyways. i also meditate and have slight psychic abilities (such as knowing what someone will say right before they say it almost as if i put the thought in their head or somehow picked up on their thought). so im in my room and i have 12 dollars in my pocket and i go over to put these 12 dollars with the rest of the cash i have saved up. <...> i have searched everywhere and asked mom, looked in every corner under every piece of furniture. every unlikely box and in all my drawers everywhere.<...>if someone stole it they probably wouldve also taken my gift cards and the 20s but those are still around. this is not something i ever really touch or move, i never take them out of my room or anything. however during my search, i did find those black slacks i mentioned earlier, so thats strange because ive been looking for those forever. i cant help but think that the reason why $200+ randomly went missing has something to do with my contemplation about the value of physical objects and how little there actually is.
Carlos May 28, 2015
<...>we both started searching for the wallet. It was bothering me as we live in a clutter free, relatively minimalist, open concept modern townhome. Went though the clothes I wore on the weekend, bathroom, laundry, and all drawers possible. We searched the recycle, the garbage, and the whole kitchen. I was really upset, thinking I could have lost it on my way home from dinner on Saturday. I texted my 2 friends, and one of them said he remembers seeing my wallet on the dinning table on Sunday when he picked up his own wallet and keys from the same very table before he headed out. I didn’t necessarily believe him, as he has been at my place many times before, and could have seen it from other occasions. I went to bed late last night, looking up online how to replace my health card, my drivers license, credit cards, etc. This morning I woke up extra early, and from bed did more research from my iphone about government offices near me and emailed my boss asking for a day off to deal with all the replacement of lost IDs. Finally got up to start my day, which involves walking my dog. Went down the stairs which ends right at my dinning room. To my total astonishment there it was: the wallet and all its contents on the kitchen table.
Marsha Cleveland June 13, 2015
<...> she couldn’t find the camera. We got out searched the property area we walked. Went to her home and searched to see if she somehow left it there. Looked under the car seats, back, front, everywhere. We then go back to the property site. We get out and look again in the yard. We gave up and got back into the car and low and behold the camera was in the floor in plain view.
After settling into the new home on the same property, April 2015, we had company over. I wanted to take a picture of everyone and my camera had been on the computer desk in the left corner in plain view. I had emptied the memory chip prior to placing it there. When I went to get the camera it was gone. We all looked throughout the home and didn’t find it. Then a feeling or thought came over me to pick up some bills I had in front of the computer monitor. I couldn’t imagine why since the camera was on the left of the desk. The bills in front of keyboard and monitor. So I sit down at the computer and lift up the bills. I say out loud, “Ok, I’m looking at my bills now what?” Then it was like my eyes were automatically directed at the left of the desk. There was the camera sitting exactly where it originally had been placed. My daughter and I were both baffled by this experience. Hers prior to mine on the same property.<...>
People Reporting Objects Changing Places – 4 Cases
Larry February 6, 2013
Since I posted the above a couple more strange things have happened. The other day the TV came on while I was on the computer. The remote was on the coffee table when this happened. I turned around, startled, and looked at the TV. Within a few seconds it turned off. Then the following happened yesterday: I walked into my bedroom. Under a table there is a stack of books. The stack was knocked over. Could my dog(s) have done it? Yes…but here’s the rest: one of books from the stack was now sitting in the middle of my bed.
Sara April 10, 2015
My friends and I have been experiencing this all week!!!! My purse has gone missing from my lap with all of my spiritual energies in it 🙁 my soul mates precious gem and crystal collection disappeared as well as a liquor bottle we had purchased that day too! Sadly the only thing that has returned is our bottle??? Same goes for smaller things like my friends lucky coin, or my amethyst. Missing while we need it and returned to our pockets out of no where?!?!? Are we all three insane together or something? I feel as though when the four of us are together our energies and vibes cause us to flash in and out of another dimension or something. Upon the return of our bottle my friends older brother had pulled into the driveway, bringing us back to our own plane again. Thoughts anyone????
Dalriadane June 2, 2014
On a separate occasion I was reading a book about dogs and getting really interested in it, when I needed to go into the kitchen at my house. I had been reading the book laying in bed. Meanwhile, I carry the book with me and lay it down on the hearth where the fireplace is, thinking how much I was enjoying the book. I got sidetracked from the kitchen excursion and then a half hour or so later I went to the retrieve the book but it wasn’t there.
I did find the book several months later under my bed in the bedroom. Weird.
Lloyd Kenny January 12, 2015
This has been happening in our house for several years now. there have been about a dozen instances the most recent was a couple of days ago when my electric razor wasn’t where it usually was i.e on the window ledge in the bathroom, so I went to the bedroom to see if it was on charge to no avail, popped back into the bathroom and there it was large as life on the window ledge. The first incident was stranger than that though. I was walking up stairs to the bedroom and on the way up i decided to check I had my keys as we were about to go out. The keys were on my belt were I thought they were so I was reassured. when I got to the bedroom I went to get my keys again and they were no longer on my belt. I though that’s odd they must have fallen off on the stairs or something. I later found them under a cushion in the back room downstairs. That gave me goosebumps. I have no idea what this is but sort of feel privileged to have experienced this stuff. Would love to know though. most of the items have returned either in the same place or a different place.
People Reporting DOP Having to do With Close Ones Needing Help Or Something About to Happen to Them – 1 Case
Bianca Mihut January 25, 2015
I cannot find my mug anywhere; no one but my husband was in our house and he also looked for it like crazy. First he said I am tired but then…,he got crazy not find it….and really started to ask …really????
Yesterday January 24th 2015 I washed my FAVORITE coffee mug that I have and use for 3 years. (Ottawa, Canada)
Back in Romania , my mom complained about feeling sick…liver something…since Friday.
Today Sunday She was still vary bad and I have crazy asked her to go to ER.
I called dad later to hear what is happening: SHE HAD A STROKE!!!
now she is at hospital and …waiting….
A stroke since Friday…
I believe that all people who wrote here must have something in common…I mean …disappearing stuff with something /somebody happening in their live! Something MAJOR!
If someone can only answer back and say…or make the connection….
People Reporting Objects Disappearing Forever (at least till now to our knowledge) – 5 cases
Anna G. March 6, 2013
I’ve experienced this phenomena before with smaller things but I didn’t think too much about them since they were smaller and could have been misplaced. However, recently, the same thing happened but with something so much larger, and something that I always leave in my living room (Which I’ve cleaned out since I am moving soon)is gone. It’s a Moroccan pouf that I always have on the floor, I usually move it around the living room but never out of it. I think this is confirmation that the other smaller things did indeed, vanish. But the stranger part is nothing has reappeared. No one has visited since I’ve seen it last, and I even looked around my entire apartment JUST in case I did something crazy like, I dunno, sleepwalking. Nowhere. Gone. completely. My apt. isn’t haunted, nothing unusual has happened and I don’t feel frightened, except for this instance. What on earth should I think of that?!
Sharon McGregor December 23, 2014
<...>purchased king crab legs (2 of them)<...> I steamed both of them, but only took one of them out to eat, leaving the second one in the pan to keep warm. I just made some vegetables to go with them, but was full when I finished the one with the vegetables. I thought to myself that I could make crab dip, crab salad, etc. with the other crab I hadn’t eaten. Imagine my shock when I went to the roaster pan and found it empty!! The huge, cooked crab leg had disappeared!! I mean, that’s not something I was going to find that I absentmindedly put in a drawer, on my dresser, etc. It was just gone!! And my kitchen/tv area, which I never left, is not that big. Don’t know the answer to this but these experiences are weird to say the least!
Michele January 2, 2015
Okay! On Thanksgiving I roasted a turkey <...> So, the next day I went to removed the roasting pan and it wasn’t there and my husband was sleeping so I forgot about asking him for several hours where it was. I looked at obvious places such as our other refrigerators and could not find it.
It was the next day when I asked him where he had moved it. He replied I haven’t touched it.
We live on over three acres and I have walked every inch of it, I have lo0oked in our barbecue because in cold weather we may use it overnight as a barbefridge. Nowhere in my garage, my barn, anywhere inside or outside of the home is there any semblance of this really nice roasting pan.
Except for taking me and picking me up he was here. We have our home surrounded by video and we have five dogs and we have ;and rely upon a security alarm system . I cannot think of anything else to mention.
Robyn January 18, 2015
I was seeing a guy a few months back. We had a lot of chemistry, everything seemed amazing, yet my intuition just led me to believe that something was off. He gave me various gifts. Once I fully began to realize that there did seem something deeply wrong with this individual I stopped looking at the gifts he’d given me for a period of a few weeks.
After the emotional attachment to this person had gone, I decided that I liked these gifts and sought them out. One was a t-shirt and one was a painting, there is another I can’t recall at the moment and one I threw in the bin.
They are no-where to be found. They were in plain sight for a long time, but I live alone so there isn’t any explanation for this. I have searched everywhere. I wouldn’t have thrown them out as they have some value (the painting anyway) so I’m wondering if there is some emotional link to this phenomena or a warning as he turned out to be quite a bad man! Anyway, they still haven’t turned up despite several attempts to find them. Food for thought I suppose.
Ronda March 7, 2015
We placed a basket of laundry in our dining room that my teenage daughter folded that Sunday evening, next morning blue laundry just vanished from the basket. Blue pants, one blue sock, blue underwear four pairs all disappeared.
We are somewhat perplexed as no one was in our house or touched the laundry after it was folded. We searched the house and the clothes are gone-very scary!
We have lived here for three decades and have never had an experience like this.
I have to admit I am afraid and pray nothing else happens. It defies logic entirely.
People Reporting Objects Disappearing (as if) Trough a Hole – 2 cases
L R November 12, 2013
I threw her toy bird down the hallway and as usual she chased after it. I saw and heard her toy bird hit the wall about three feet from the floor. As her birdie hit the wall, she jumped up and pounced on the wall, then she started meowing and scratching the wall. Next, she started looking around frantically toward the floor for her birdie. She has a keen eye and she never misses where her birdies land. In addition, to that, she was acting unlike herself. I walked over to the wall where I saw her toy birdie hit, and it’s not there. I looked up and down the hallway, I looked in my bedroom, under my bed, and under my dresser. I have searched the entire house, and I just can’t find it.
The next day, my cat runs into my bedroom and starts acting weird. She’s jumping up and pawing away at nothing. It’s like she’s pawing at something that I just can’t see.
I have never experienced anything like this before. To this day, her birdie is still missing.
Sue May 23, 2014
Two days ago I was preparing to go to work. I was holding two of my earrings in my hand and standing up. I put my left earring in. My right hand was holding my other earring. I looked at it to adjust to put it in, the earring has slipped out of my right hand but not dropped to the floor. It has simply disappeared in front of my eyes, it is as if it went through a invisible hole. I thought I imagined it and looked for it every possible place that it can fell.
It was not a small earring I would hear the sound if it had hit the floor, I still can not believe that it has simply disappeared, , I checked everywhere around me but couldn’t find it.
People Reporting Objects Disappearing From Houses Where People Previously Died in – 1 case
Mark Pullen January 9, 2015
MYSTERY OF THE VANISHING CAR KEYS I was driving my car, put in car park at block of apartments where i live, lock the car, put keys in pocket, have a bite to eat, sit and watch telly, have a beer, fall asleep, wake up, put hands in pocket to find keys maybe had grown a little pair of legs and somehow opened my door and locked it again and legged it from my apartment. I square searched the whole. flat, just searching every nook and cranny, leaving no stone unturned, a thorough search of every room, no matter how likely or unlikely, even looking in the oven, on the principal that if it wasn’t somewhere logical it had to be somewhere illogical, no sign of them, looked all through other car, got AA to open car with screwdriver nowhere in car, looked all places like gravel and bushes between car and apt block entrance, asked neighbors if they ha picked up , no one had, door was locked at night, so no one could have nicked them. cops haven’t got them at lost property, but before i moved to my flat, some 18 months ago, some guy got murdered, hence place was empty. i was looking for somewhere to live in hurry so took it, could his ghost have nicked my car keys ?????? Really makes you wonder, this is just truly weird and paranormal phenomena
People Reporting Objects Disappearing that Reappear at a Later Time – 4 cases
Martin Timothy November 3, 2013
That which was lost has been found .. the capo turned up Thursday October 31, 2013, hanging on a lead that runs under the table to my workstation desktop, which had been installed after the initial disappearance.
Susan Welsh December 10, 2014
I noticed that my husband, who had just left to go on a business trip, had left behind “his” dental floss, which at the moment I actually prefer to “my” dental floss. I thought to myself, Oh, boy, I get to use the good dental floss this evening, and I took it out of the cabinet along with my toothbrush and toothpaste. This is how specific my thinking was. I then noticed that I didn’t have a towel and left the bathroom to fetch one off the pile I’d just folded. When, seconds later, I returned to the bathroom to brush my teeth, the dental floss was gone–nowhere to be found. Not in the cupboard, not in the bin, not by the laundry pile. (I can be absent-minded and thought maybe I’d unwittingly carried it with me when I left the room.) No one else was around. Since all this took place over the space of a few seconds, it really baffled and annoyed me. Could I have “dreamed” that my husband left his dental floss?? To the point of thinking I’d taken it out of the cupboard with the other things? I’d have dismissed it, no doubt, if it weren’t for the other experiences, such as a memorable one from years ago, involving a tiny plastic hairbrush that came with a My Little Pony toy of my daughter’s. I spotted it on the counter, thought to pick it up, turned my back when someone spoke to me for a few seconds, turned around again, and it was gone. Here’s the weird bit: Several years later, when we were living in another house, in another country, and my daughter had long since got rid of the My Little Pony and in fact any such babyish toys, I was taking a box of newspapers that had been in our kitchen to the tip for recycling. As I dumped the contents of the box into the bin, what should fall out of the box along with all that paper but a My Little Pony hairbrush, the same color and everything.
Angela February 1, 2015
I have more examples than time to write. A few important things. When I got married my husband and I experienced something disappear before our eyes. We compared stories and discovered we both experienced things all our lives. Most remarkable it’s not just disappearing things pictures have been hung or rehung. If I call back the object (often jewelry ) but keys and clothing too it will most likely return. Largest thing $1500 traveler checks returned six weeks later. Once when just telling someone about these things their keys disappeared and they had to get locksmith as they were from another state. Months later the keys returned in the state they lived. There’s a mind connection as well as something else. My husband is on his. 4th wedding ring. It disappears off his hand
Emma May 4, 2015
<...>Items that I have in my lap in the passenger seat of my car will go missing. I will search everywhere just to have it show up later. I saw my work shirt earlier today and reminded myself to do laundry when iI got home. i searched all over my efficiency 605 sq. ft. apartment and nothing. My boyfriend also searched, and then WATCHED me search and nothing. Things are happening more often and I was starting to question my sanity!
People Reporting a Lot of Missing Object Events at Once- 3 Cases
Gordon Hawthorn (December 28, 2012)
Strange things have happened here recently–an optician’s prescription nowhere to be found, a torch has gone missing, a TP toothpick missing from my coffee table which turned up under a place mat several weeks later, tucked under the side of the place-mat. 2 weeks ago, I found one of my refrigerator shelves was the wrong way round. I live alone and there’s no one else here or any animal to be the cause.
Larry January 22, 2013
But that is no the end of it: A few days ago I was using a cheap plastic strainer to drain some spaghetti. I put the strainer on the sink next to the toaster. I turned away for a few moments and when I turned back the strainer was gone.
Two weeks ago I got out of bed and reached for my watch. It wasn’t there. I spent the next 20 minutes looking for it.
Marsha Cleveland June 13, 2015
<...>Many other things happened too. I was writing in a journal and I use pencil and eraser. I had one of those kind that fit on the pencil end. It disappears. Again, left side of desk but by keyboard. I search on floor, under desk, on desk, under everything. Gone! Then I had another in the desk drawer. I get it out and place it in the same spot. Then I say in about 20 minutes or less, my eye looks at some papers in the top left spot where the camera disappeared. There is my eraser on the tip of a paper pointing up at me. Weird! Due to the fact I lifted up those same papers and looked under and flipped them no way this could have happened. The eraser didn’t just stick there! The weird part was it was balanced on the end and would have fallen off under normal circumstances. But it was firmly sitting there.
People Suggesting Explanations for DOP – 3 cases
Lady Unicorn February 12, 2013
I have an explanation for the disappearing objects. It happened to me too. For 15 years I’ve been experiencing this phenomenon. I found out why it happens. It is state in the bible that when you put too much emphasis on idols – idolatry, they will one day all disappear. This is what it said in Isaiah 2:6-2:18 in the bible. It happens when we live in a material world. When idols become more important to us than God:
Sig Ra March 18, 2014
This is probably spirits trying to instigate contempt towards my friend and I think the same could be happening to you and your husband as I doubt your husband is stealing petty cash and lying about it that just seems more silly than spirits to me.
Lily Bernard September 12, 2013
I do meditate often and my meditations seem very real to me. They seem so real that I can cry or laugh over incidents in my meditations. I think it might be connected to the DOPs.
However, and this is very odd, I read the woman’s comment who said that idolatry could be the reason for DOPs.
When I used to meditate, it was strictly on the Lord Jesus Christ, but I had gotten away from that, even though I still have an active prayer life, and started to have creative meditations featuring other people and events.
Here’s the crazy part, just today I said a prayer in church, realizing that I should be meditating with the Lord alone and this was my prayer:
Please help me, Lord, out of my idolatry and back to loving You alone.
I would not dismiss the woman’s comment about idolatry so quickly.
Lorinda June 13, 2015
I whimsically joke with my mom and say it is rascally gnomes and faery folk just having a laugh. However, I would love to understand what is truly happening. It’s not scary, just annoyingly odd. Of all the possible theories I’ve ran across, the ones of a metaphysical nature resonates the most… Possible merging of realities? Is someone messing with the timelines? (as with the Bearinstein/Bearinstain Bear phenomenon) Spirit Guides getting our attention? (as with the recurring sighting of repeating numbers)… whatever the case, I don’t feel malevolence.
Some Reports Observations
DOP Object Emotional Connection Theory
This is just another possibility I’m throwing out there just because I’m finding patterns that could be regarded in a scientific method approach.
In Dalriadane testimonial, which I placed in the “People Reporting Objects Changing Places” it’s interesting to note how she seemed strongly emotionally engaged with the object (in this case a dog’s book), which might, or not, have some sort of connection to this phenomena.
The same Happened to Susan Welsh report. She said “I thought to myself, Oh, boy, I get to use the good dental floss this evening”. Here’s that emotional connection to the object again.
Robyn even mentions her emotional attachment in her own report too.
But then again, as DK pointed out in is disappearing vacuum cleaner event, he had no emotional attachment to it. This of course might prove nothing, because it’s a case of one, or maybe he thinks his detachment is real when it’s not. Anyway, this could be nothing important, but I’m just trying to find patterns to make more sense of it all. Maybe you, the reader, may have more conclusions on DOP and you’re welcomed to share them.
My Latest (but not last) Conclusion on DOP
My general conclusion here is that DOP cases would logically be related to both subconscious and/or purely external processes. This means I believe that the mind (inward processes) and matter and energy (outward processes) should play a role here. In fact, It is my belief that both this inward and outward processes are more connected to each other than what we’re aware of.
The Inward Processes on DOP
The subconscious mind knows much more than our conscious mind does and some of these glitches might, in my humble opinion, spawn from there too. In this line of thinking, selective viewing, memory lapses, mixing dream states and reality could make total sense.
The subconscious power could be “presenting” us with these “glitches” because we could be aware of something (emotional attachments, things happening to close ones) that could interfere with the perception of reality , distorting it and making us mix reality with dream like states. Sort of a blurred line between the pure conscious and the pure subconscious.
Logically, it makes sense that the subconscious is hardwired to the universal intelligence or the collective consciousness, so this (that I call) “inward processes” might not be exclusively internal which might partially explain some DOP events.
The Outward Processes on DOP
Now, having mentioned the inward processes explanation of DOP, I don’t believe all DOP cases are related to the mind alone. Mind sure plays a role because we’re experiencing the world though the mind, but the mind isn’t alone in the world. So it makes sense that external factors play a role here too, and that’s why DOP can be even “stranger” to the mind perceiving it when external factors come to place. Those external factors could, of course, be non-Newtonian (energetic, spiritual, whatever you like to call them). This means that apart form internal mind “glitches”, other “glitches” can happen outside the mind too.
But since I don’t believe in island type systems, accounting for both internal (conscious and subconscious mind) and external factors (outside energy and matter) might help us all better understand the Disappearing Objects Phenomena.
The only thing I can tell for sure is that I don’t really know what this DOP thing really is about, but I’m reaching for an answer. I know I’m not alone on this. A lot more people are connecting the dots and sharing their knowledge for everybody’s knowledge sake. If we’re ever going to find about this and other mysteries I don’t know, but we could sure giving it a try.
And don’t take my word for it on the DOP phenomena, or anything else for that matter. Ultimately it’s all our shared thoughts ideas and experiences bringing us closer to finding out what the DOP could really be.
If you want to reply specifically to any of the persons quoted in this article, you can do so here.
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I’m finding out the world as I move forward. It’s amazing to understand what life really means.
Hi there,
I left my post in the DOP section after this report was compiled.
I’ve had some thoughts which might be useful.
1. I’m the type of person who doesn’t rule anything out. I say, ‘It’s not supernatural, it’s just part of the natural for which we do not know the cause.’
2. There is a backstory concerning the partner of the friend who died recently. He once told me how his father had been in Africa, and had shot a bird which the locals said was very bad luck to kill. Around this time, back in his home country, his father’s wife died.
3. I had just read (on the web!) about the theory that the moon could have been towed into orbit by an extra-terrestrial force. I posted a jokey thing about this on facebook, likening it to Stonehenge, but afterwards felt superstitiously guilty.
4. My career is taking a slightly different path, which feels exhilarating but slightly dangerous, and the items that disappeared are connected with this change.
The conclusion is that the items were somehow invested with meaning, as I made them at the time when the very distressing event in point 2, and the superstitiously-distressing thought in point 3 occurred. Owing to my open mind explained in point 1, I have already allowed the idea that one event can cause another, even though they are unrelated. I have guilt regarding the friend’s death, as we were estranged, leading to point 4.
So even if (which is the more rational explanation) I have moved the items to a place where I cannot find them, the reasons outlined would cover the unconscious motives.
No one could have got into the house as the door-chain was still on, the curtain pulled across the door, and all windows locked. It’s very mystifying. Part of the reason for my writing about it here, besides helping people who might find the blog and giving them support, because reading these stories has helped me, is to bring it into the area of scientific discussion, rather than a spooky story, and maybe find a Newtonian reason, or New Newtonian.
You may as well remove all my posts. For the solution to the ‘summer silly season mystery’, see the other section.
I stumbled upon this website/blog today, and couldn’t help but post given the synchronicity involved. I have experienced this on the opposite side of the spectrum many times but to without doubt. I once lost a ring that was very important to me. I went so far as to renting a metal detector and searching the backyard to find it as I was sure I lost it there nothing. Days went by and I was very upset, I asked with my heart if my grandmother could help me (she passed when I was little and I’ve always felt a connection) the same day that I asked I went home from work to find my ring sitting in the middle of my kitchen floor, this was years ago. December of 2015 the one that just passed, I lost a beautiful anniversary present it was a bracelet, I am 100% sure that I lost it at the airport when we flew. I was thinking about it a lot I knew I had lost it, not misplaced it. It was the kind of lost where you know unless it shows up in a found add you’ll never see it again. i again asked my grandma but felt badly asking something so trivial, (I’m a little older now ;)nothing happened though. I haven’t thought about it for about a month now, and then I thought about it last night and this morning as I was doing the dishes, I always took it off and put it on the window ledge above the sink, I missed it and silently wished that I would see it again, but believing I wouldn’t. two hours later I left to pick my children up from school I walked out of my front door and as I stepped I looked down and there at my feet was my bracelet.
I am not sure how or why this happens, however I feel very blessed that objects I have been attached to because of the loving energy I feel for them have somehow always been returned to me.
I’m not a skeptic, I do believe in the supernatural, but some of these stories are simple every day stories of losing or misplacing things that happen to normal people throughout their lives, or can be explained by practical jokers, or just people who are not honest. If my husband lost his wedding ring (I never bought him one…) four times and other valuable items disappeared in the house, I would begin to suspect something dishonest going on, rather than something supernatural. As for the cat whose birdie got lost, sounds like she swallowed it, poor thing. That’s why the next day she was behaving so funny, probably had a tummy ache before she passed it out. But I’m sure that those aren’t the things you’re looking for as comments to your blog.
If you want “supernatural” stories, then how about this: my daughter went swimming in the local public pool and while she was in the water she lost her earring. A few days later, my son went swimming in the same pool and felt something sharp under his foot, he dived under and picked up… his sister’s earring. Now, there were hundreds of swimmers in the pool between the two occasions and obviously, no-one else had come across the earring in the water. What were the odds of someone from the same family finding it?
I’ve also heard first hand accounts of people who have taken a ring off their finger in a rural setting where many people stop to picnic, and lost the ring. Searching high and low they have given up ever finding it. Then, months later, they go back to the same spot and find the ring.
The real reason for this is Divine Providence.
God generally works in the world in two ways, either through natural causation, according to the laws of science, or through personal providence. He occasionally works through miracles. Each way of God has a Divine Biblical Name associated with it. The Name Elokim is associated with nature. The essential, unarticulated Name of God, sometimes called the Tetragrammaton, is associated with Divine Providence. Look up these two Names on authentic Jewish sites like and you will find out more.
I experienced a DOP yesterday which was just a few hours ago from me typing this as it’s just after Midnight. This is the second time in my life that I had experienced this and the first was about 1 year ago. I will tell both of my experiences but first would like to share something that is interesting that may have significance with DOP phenomena.
Back in 1990 I was 7 years old and during that year I had moved into my Grandmother’s house with my Mother. My Grandmother let us live there because she decided to live out the rest of her retirement with her husband in Mexico. After getting settled in and living in this house for a couple of months a strange thing started happening where my Mother or I would find keys laying on the kitchen table. These keys seemingly came from nowhere and went to nothing as my Mother tried to fit every single one of these mysteriously appeared keys into every single lock in and around the house which no key ever successfully did. We ended up living their for 8 years but this strange phenomena of keys appearing to be found on the kitchen table had lasted for about the first 2 years of living there. After it was all done we had 3 bowls full of these keys.
Now getting to my DOP experiences the first one happened just a little over 1 year ago in the same place that I am still living at. I had just gotten home from grocery shopping and had put all my groceries away and had started a movie to watch in the living room. I thought about the jar of pepperoncinis I had bought and just put away, in the same exact place as always, the refrigerator door. Wanting to snack on them during the movie I went to grab them and low and behold they’re not in the door of the fridge where I specifically remembered putting them, they’re not anywhere in the fridge, they weren’t in any of the plastic grocery bags that were all emptied out, I even checked the garbage, all the cupboards, under the kitchen table, under the sink, etc etc. After checking everywhere thoroughly I ended up walking back to the living room and thinking this is so stupid they HAVE to be in the fridge, so I seriously like a crazy person walked back and forth from my living room to the fridge about 10 times in 10 minutes being just as baffled and bewildered the same when I’d open the fridge door and it was nowhere in there. So after all that I had finally just given up on it but was no less disturbed about it and decided to just go lay down in my bed. I honestly don’t remember if I actually fell asleep or if I just zoned out in thought but at least a couple hours had passed and I wanted some water so I walk to the kitchen and right in the center of the kitchen tile floor is the jar of pepperoncini’s. I mean right in the middle where you couldn’t even walk through the kitchen without kicking them over as it is not a wide area. I bent down to pick them up and saw that there was condensation all over it and running down the sides and the jar was cold. I could only say “WTF!” to myself over and over literally as the only explanation I could think of was that some invisible person or force was basically trolling me!
My 2nd experience which happened a few hours ago from typing this happened at my Grandmother’s house, the same one where the keys appeared. I was over at her house to set up her new printer, a very easy task to do when things don’t disappear. I opened the box and pulled the printer out and placed it on her computer desk and all it needed was to be plugged in and have the ink cartridges installed and job is done. So after plugging the printer in I grabbed the ink cartridges which were in a sealed see through bag that was unopened and I could see all 4 cartridges in the sealed bag, CMYK. I put the sealed bag of ink cartridges on my lap and wheeled over to the printer as I’m sitting in the office chair. I tear open the bag and grab a cartridge to put in the printer, which I do, then look down at the bag in my lap to grab the next one and there’s only 2 left. So, somehow when just a few seconds ago all 4 were present but now all of the sudden Magenta is missing. Nowhere to be found. Being depressed as of late this made me so irate, I was so pissed off and cussing up a storm just madder than hell. I lied to my Grandmother and said the company forgot to package it because I couldn’t tell her well yeah “it disapeared” and what, “better luck next time”? I was feeling pretty bad about losing my temper and cussing like that in front of my Grandmother and then having to lie to her so I just wanted to remove myself from dealing with the cartridge issue and cleared my mind and calmed down while taking out her garbage and tidying up a bit. When I was more settled down I returned to the printer to contemplate what I would do and after a couple minutes I figured oh well I’ll have to buy her a single Magenta ink cartridge, which oddly enough was all sold out on Amazon so I had to instead buy the full color pack just so she could get the Magenta. I bought the pack on Amazon and then about 1-2 min after doing so I found the Magenta cartridge which was wedged tight between the computer and the wall of the cubby hole (whatever you call it) under the desk where the computer sits. Even though this would be impossible, barring a scenario where I blacked out and put it there myself, I was relieved to have found it and now able to get the printer set up for her. One little thing that made me laugh though was after I got her printer installed and working I was sitting in her chair thinking about the situation that had happened and eyed a gift bag she had up on top of her computer desk (she never throws away those gift bags) and it was a “Trolls” theme gift bag. I wish I was in a better state of mind to have handled this experience differently but overall I hope it doesn’t happen again to me ever.